Saturday, January 30, 2010

Priority, Preference or Passion

Think. What would you consider a priority for your day, today- right now? Work, school, chores, health, or something else we say is important to us? When our priorities are challenged, what do we do? We put a "price" on the priority and hope that some other person, event, or urgency doesn't exceed the price of our priority. In other words, can our priorities be "bought off" even though we might have said that we'd never allow the priority to fall from our top shelf.

Jesus' priorities were under constant scrutiny. The government, others and especially His own disciples tried to deter Him from the goal- Savior of the World. (John 3:16) We are blessed to day because nothing stopped Jesus from His destination.

So often, what we consider a priority as only a preference. Priorities stick; preferences slide! Preferences aren't inherently bad. There just not priorities. How would my life be different if I had priorities that stuck? Priorities like serving others before I served myself or starting my day thinking about God rather than my to-do-list.

When Jesus answered the demands of government, others and friends, the scripture records, "no one dared question Him any longer." (Mark 12:34b)

Reset your priorities today and you'll re-discover your passion.

(PHOTO: I wish my life was as ordered as these veggies at a farmer's market in San Antonio. I guess I'd better stop wishing and be something.)

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