Friday, December 11, 2009

Excuses for Not Giving to the Lord

“If I had more money, then I could give.”
America’s biggest givers are the lowest income earners. Those who earn less than $10,000 give 2.3% of their income. Those who earn $70,000 or more only give 1.2%. (Source: Passing the Plate. By Christian Smith, Michael Emerson and Patrician Snell)

“I have so many bills and so little money.”
Pick a starting point and move toward giving a tithe. Many don’t do anything or give God only “a tip.” Ask yourself, “Would God lead me to make this purchase (have this service or have this perk), if it meant decreasing my giving to Him?” Giving has little to do with prosperity. When Americans earned less following the Great Depression, they gave more. When income went up, they began to give less of it away.

“I live on a fixed income.”
No one lives on a fixed income. We can make money by decreasing expenses, skipping an activity, trip or “night out friends.” Look for ways to surprise your self in this area of giving.

My greatest joy has been to watch God work in my life through the area of giving. Each year, actually each calendar quarter, Jan & I look for ways to give more. God never fails.

The Chapel at the
U.S. Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, CO

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