April 11. 2010 will start our study in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). Each Beatitude is the background for choices each of us have to make in order to have freedom from our hurts, hang-ups and habits. Here is the first choice we need to make: Realize that I'm not God. No one can control our tendency to do wrong. Will power alone isn't enough to control anger, over-eating, addictions or any of the baggage that entangles us in every day living. Only the Holy Spirit can provide the lasting power to have victory.
One translation of the first Beatitude reads: "Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor."
Be sure to attend each of the 8 Sunday during our "Life's Healing Choices" study. Don't forget to invite a friend. They'll be glad you did.
Be sure to attend each of the 8 Sunday during our "Life's Healing Choices" study. Don't forget to invite a friend. They'll be glad you did.